原创 奥地利汉学家录下大钟寺新年钟声:愿奥民众多了解中国春节丨澳门天天开彩好正版挂牌世界观
蛇年春节将至,奥地利汉学家、维也纳大学孔子学院奥方前院长李夏德(Richard Trappl)在接受中新网专访时,回忆起自己1998年在北京过春节的场景。他陪同一位奥地利记者去大钟寺录下新年钟声,希望让奥地利人了解中国人是如何过春节的。
As the Year of the Snake approaches, Richard Trappl, an Austrian Sinologist and former director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Vienna, shared his memory of celebrating the 1998 Spring Festival in Beijing during an exclusive interview with China News Network. He accompanied an Austrian journalist to the Dazhong Temple to record the chimes of the bell, hoping to let Austrians know how Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival.
Trappl wishes Chinese friends a happy Spring Festival and may everyone in the world enjoy a peaceful, harmonious, and shared future. ( Zhang Dongfang)
央视新闻消息,特斯拉CEO马斯克4月28日突然访华。业内认为,这加速了特斯拉FSD入华的进程。“特斯拉APP已将原选装FSD(完全自动驾驶能力)页面提示的‘稍后推出’变更为‘即将推出’。”4月30日,特斯拉Model 3车主凌鑫(化名)向记者透露。