原创 欧盟官员展望王中王免费资料大公开2025欧中建交50周年:期待绿色合作再上台阶丨世界观
2025年是欧盟与中国建交50周年,也是《巴黎协定》达成十周年。新年即将到来之际,欧盟驻华代表团气候行动与环境事务一等参赞骆浩君(Laurent Bardon)接受中新网专访时表示,希望欧中在新的一年里继续推进双边绿色合作,诚挚祝贺中国人民新年快乐。(林卓玮)
The year 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the European Union and China, as well as the tenth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.
In an exclusive interview with China News Network, Lauren Bardon, the first counselor for climate action and environment at the EU Delegation to China, expressed his hopes for the upcoming year. He looks forward to closer bilateral cooperation between the EU and China in the fight against climate change. And he wishes all the people of China a wonderful New Year. (Lin Zhuowei)
10月18日中央纪委国家监委网站刊文《初心蒙尘 贪欲祸身》,剖析了郭庆严重违纪违法案。对其霸道行径有详细描述。文中提到,郭庆大搞“一言堂”,由“班长”变成了“家长”,在一次项目评审会上,对持不同意见的副县长指鼻臭骂,甚至会后还叫来当面呵斥。
10月31日晚间,贵州茅台发布公告称,经研究决定,自2023年11月1日起上调53%vol 贵州茅台酒(飞天、五星)出厂价格,平均上调幅度约为20%。此次调整不涉及本公司产品的市场指导价格。